Oil on canvas, 12″X16″

“…I have visited many worlds and saw many strange things, but I have not seen one more thing that exists in this world anywhere else.

Above this planet hangs a transparent crystal containing a rose flower.  
It is impossible to determine exactly what it consists of: maybe it is ice from frozen space water. 
Or it is – a piece of the most transparent mountain quartz (but then – how did the wonderful rose get inside it?). Or maybe this is the frozen colorless resin of the oldest tree in the universe? Another mystery of this crystal: who, when and how put it in this place? And one more oddity – it is always visible from everywhere from this planet, and no one can determine its size. How big is the rose, is it alive or dead?

I cannot find the answer to these questions, and the creatures living under the shadow of the crystal seem to be unaware of its existence. They are passionate about finding food …”